Londres 2007

lundi 30 septembre 2013
par  Fleuriel Sébastien
popularité : 89%

Restructuring, precarisation and value

What has been the impact on work and on society of the introduction of the new technologies, new methods of ‘governance’, greater flexibility and insecurity associated with the restructuring, reorganisation and rationalisation of working practices and the transformation of value chains ? New patterns of production are taking shape at the heart and the margins of the world of work in the public, private, voluntary and domestic sectors, as work is externalised and outsourced, and SMEs are deployed strategically. Individuals are being called upon increasingly to demonstrate commitment and autonomy, while being subjected to ever greater constraints. Metropolitan University, London’s largest single university and in collaboration with CERLIS (Centre de recherche sur les liens sociaux) of Université Paris 5 and CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). Lire la suite...


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